Tap into a Life of 
Abundance and Energy

Feel the way you were always meant to feel

Thank you for your years of patronage!

As many of you know, I have been working towards reactivating my LPC.  It is bittersweet to have it again, as it means I need to put my private practice on hold here in Illinois.  I look forward to working with you all again once I have my LCPC!  Thank you, Sara


emotional freedom technique

Clear your mind of anxious and repetitive self-defeating thoughts, physical discomfort and old hurtful memories.

EFT Tapping

tap into the language of the subconscious mind ...

This is a natural reprogramming process of rewriting years of previous harmful thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors to create lasting changes in your attitude, beliefs and lifestyle.  Create a life you love. Let me show you how!   

All that we are is the result of what we have thought
                - The Buddha

iRest Guided Meditation

A guided psycho-spiritual journey into You that leads to lasting psychological, physical and spiritual transformation.

iRest is based on ancient yogic teachings offering profound relief from emotional and physical suffering.  This practice shows one how to become comfortable in any situation or experience, by way of transcendence.


Divinely guided life force energy

It is only in alert silence that truth can be
                                            - Jiddu Krishnamurti

In its simplest form it helps to understand the power and healing potential of relaxation, awareness and attention, love and acceptance.

Lull into a meditative state where natural spontaneous healing can occur...

Powerful vibration and tones induce an immediate relaxed state. The induction of the sound waves directly into the body along with soothing ambient tones is a strong treatment where clients report effects ranging from a meditative state to deep relaxation.   

Vibrational Sound Therapy

If you are depressed you are living in the past.  
If you are anxious you are living in the future.  
If you are at peace you are living in the present
                                                             - Lao Tzu

Pricing Plans

Significant progress and transformation can occur with 3 to 6 sessions

 (In home services may be available. Travel charges would apply.) 


Sessions typically run about 1 1/2 hours
3 Sessions - $300
6 Sessions - $540


Sessions are 60 minutes on average, currently held via zoom
Single one hour session - $65
3 Sessions - $180
6 Sessions - $330

Single EFT Session

  • Learn the Tapping process
  • Learn to identify where emotions live and hide in your body
  • Become aware and rid yourself of self-defeating thoughts and beliefs
  • Release unpleasant and undesirable intense emotions

3 EFT Session Package

  • Everything from the single session, plus
  • Identify self-defeating low vibrational language and learn reframing techniques (NLP)
  • Transform hidden subconscious beliefs as they rise to the conscious mind

6 EFT Session Package

  • Everything from the 3 session pkg, plus
  • Quicken the transformational process by practice
  • Learn easy and effective strategies to calm the mind and the nervous system 
    Identify limiting beliefs and language rapidly before they affect your emotions
  • Learn to use tapping (EFT) to manifest abundance
  • Learn to use tapping (EFT) to induce states of happiness and bliss


Sessions are 90 minutes on average, currently held via zoom
Private Series of 8 sessions - $650


Sessions are 60 minutes on average
3 Sessions - $195
6 Sessions - $360

Sound Therapy

Sessions are 60 minutes on average
1 Session - $70
3 Sessions - $195
6 Sessions - $360

Please contact me today to get started.  If none of the above options work for you, please let me know, and I can create a custom package and pricing for your unique needs.  Thank you for your consideration.

Sara Girardi

About me

Who is Sara?

Licensed Professional
Counselor since 2004

Sara came into this world a keeper of peace and spiritual seeker. She believes that spiritual growth occurs in relation with another. Raised in an industrial mid-western town, Sara worked and paid her way through college, often taking one class at a time.   

She understood her life as a spiritual journey from a young age, seeking spiritual mentors through whom she learned what she needed to grow into a spiritual leader herself. She brings a heartfelt sense of connection to all of her relationships.  For her, this is a natural process and comes from the understanding of Oneness.  We are all a reflection of one another.  

Sara’s fascination with the human experience and the metaphysical guides her work. She studies world cultures, gleaning wisdom from traditions across the lands.  She is inspired by what she has learned about the body's innate capacity to heal, the power of compassion, empathy and forgiveness.

She reads and studies about the science behind such phenomena as quantum healing and energy medicine. 

She’s a long-time yoga instructor, Reiki Master, Sound Vibration Therapist, EFT Practitioner, iRest Teacher and Clinical Hypnotherapist. Sara is committed to use her energy, wisdom and expertise to help others transform their lives. 

She lives as a Nondualist, believing “everything already exists, yet in unmanifest form, all you have to do is see it”. 
I am committed to the healing and spiritual growth of humanity as a whole.  I strive to make my services accessible and affordable to all, especially to those who have historically been underrepresented in traditional settings. If you’re not sure if EFT or Hypno-therapeutic private sessions are affordable, please call me for a consultation.  
Sara holds a Masters of Science in Counseling with a focus on classical therapeutic techniques and has worked as a Rogerian Therapist in a variety of settings. She is once again a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)! Achieving her license originally in 2004, she let her license lapse while raising her children.  Unfortunately, until she receives her LCPC, she is no longer able to hold private practice.  She looks forward to meeting you all again when this is achieved.

The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” Mahatma Gandhi 

Contact Info

Phone - 847-903-4598