Every story that causes you suffering is an illusion
-Martha Beck


How you are feeling now?

Remember when life felt easy?  Remember when you could bounce back to a place of balance and tap into inner joy more readily, more easily? 

Yes, That's Me (Read More)
How will you feel?

Live your life with Abundance and Energy, the way your life was intended to be. Achieve any goal, healthier eating habits, exercise with love and energy. 

I Want That, what else? (READ MORE)
How Does Hypnotherapy Heal?

Tap into the subconscious mind using relaxation, repetition and your own positive healing affirmations.  This is a natural reprogramming process. 

Interesting. What else?
What are the techniques?

With 30 years of experience in the field of mental health and energy healing, I combine multiple approaches and techniques based on the individual.

What's right for me?

How are you feeling ​now?

Remember when life felt easy?  Remember when you could bounce back to a place of balance and tap into inner joy more readily, more easily?
Are you feeling a lack of energy and missing passion, love and freedom for life’s simple pleasures?

Are you worrying about the same concerns and having the same repetitive self-defeating thoughts over and over again?
Are your attempts at creating a better life and feeling good falling short?  
Do you keep attracting the same type of person and same type of relationship over and over again?

Are you longing to feel valued and appreciated?  Are you longing for a deeper connection to the True You, your Higher-Self, Inner Love and Forgiveness?

Would you like to live from an internal state of abundance and manifest a life abundance?

Free yourself from emotions of grief and sadness, worry and lack.  Find forgiveness and live from a place of inner joy, bliss, freedom, compassion and Love. 

How will I feel?
  • Lack of Energy?
  • Missing Passion?
  • Worrying, worrying, worrying.
  • Stuck in a rut?
  • Longing to feel valued and appreciated?

How will I feel?

Stop self-defeating patterns of negativity and sabotage; tap into the language of your subconscious mind achieve your goals of self-love, health and success.

With hypnotherapy find more ease and comfort in your body, free yourself from chronic physical pain.  Become the strong, healthy and vibrant person you were meant to be.

Achieve any goal, healthier eating habits, exercise with love and energy.
Feel empowered as you take control of your mind and your emotions.  Gain mastery over negative patterns and worrisome habitual thoughts.
Stop letting negative thoughts get the best of you!

Release heavy emotions surrounding memories and traumatic past events.

 Find the inner strength to untangle yourself and let go of unhealthy relationships.

 Feel true heartfelt forgiveness, leading to more love in your life for yourself and others.  
Release anger, and lead a compassionate vibrant life.   

  • Lack of Energy?
  • Missing Passion?
  • Worrying, worrying, worrying.
  • Stuck in a rut?
  • Longing to feel valued and appreciated?

How Does Hypnotherapy Heal?

What are the techniques?

Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis tap into the subconscious mind using relaxation, repetition and your own positive healing affirmations.  This is a natural reprogramming process of rewriting and rewiring years of previous harmful thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors to create lasting changes in your attitude, beliefs and lifestyle.  Let me show you how!

The healing hypno-therapeutic relationship centers on multiple foundations that create deep shifts in perspective.  This is done through, the hypnotherapist, seeing you as healed and perfect.  Through heart resonance and mirror neurons, you will also know and see yourself as healed and perfect.  In the quantum world, all we have to do is see it.  It has already happened.  Believing whatever you most desire as True in this moment, along with aligning your emotions and actions according to these beliefs, sets you on your Path.  Let me help you light the way.

So while initial results from hypnotherapy can be felt immediately, sessions are best completed in blocks of three to six.  This gives time to address harmful memories, long held mis-aligned beliefs and out of sync emotions.  Hypnosis is also used beneficially in helping you revive and remember your internal healing resources.   The goal is to give you the resources to manifest the life you desire.  Right Now. 

“Every story that causes you suffering is an illusion” 

-Martha Beck

With almost 30 years of experience in the field of mental health and energy healing, I combine an approach of Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), tools from iRest Meditation using the principles of Oneness and Nonduality (welcoming, allowing, experiencing embodiment and transcending opposites), meditation techniques including creating heart and mind coherence, listening to the intuitive guidance of the heart, adapting your frequency allowing for natural attunement of attitude, behavior and perspective in a matter of breaths.
In person sessions can include Reiki and Sound Therapy to heal past emotional pain, trauma and physical un-ease.  One of the greatest benefits of Reiki and Sound Therapy is deep relaxation entering the alpha/theta state where healing and insight often occurs spontaneously and naturally.